The flower an aqueous boat, be can not carry me.
花是水的舟, 就是载不动我.
——期刊摘选Swing low, sweet chariot, Comin'for to carry me home.
摆动低, 甜战车 comin ',为开展我回家.
——期刊摘选Camera and tape recorder , carry me far away from the intelligence which complicates everything.
互联网I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.
互联网Jenny: You can carry me in the elevator.
詹妮: 你可以抱我上电梯么?
互联网Carry me on the waves to the land I've never been.
互联网Carry me. Why don't you carry me.
带我走, 为什么不带我走.
互联网If you want me to leave this house, you'll have to carry me out feet first.
要想让我离开这所房子, 你先把我杀了吧.
互联网My legs refused to carry me further.
《简明英汉词典》Clifton: I know you'll come carry me out to the Palace of Winds.
凯瑟琳: 我知道你会带我离开这里,到风之殿.
互联网Carry me on the waves to the lands I've never seen.
互联网Finished edge bent down and come prepared to carry me out.
互联网If you wanna keep going, you'll have to carry me. I'll pee on your head.
如果你还想走, 你就得背着我, 然后我就尿你头上.
互联网Jenny : Not until you carry me over the goddamn threshold.
詹妮: 要等你把我抱过门槛才算数.
互联网Can't you carry me decent?
你背我的时候不能稳妥一点 吗 ?
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